最好玩的唱猜類游戲你唱我猜在安卓平台上線了!在這裡你可以唱流行金曲、優美鄉村、瘋狂搖滾……千餘首歌曲等你來唱,盡情高歌讓別人來猜你唱的歌名吧。並不想唱?也沒關係,單人猜歌模式滿足你,海量優秀歌曲等你來猜,下一個猜歌達人就是你。通過唱和猜與他人從陌生變為相識,再到相知,盡在你唱我猜。還等什麼,快點加入吧!遊戲特性:-1000+經典歌曲-13+特殊主題的曲庫-每週60關單人猜歌模式-名人堂萬人膜拜-多種玩法:你唱我猜模式和單人猜歌模式---Who doesn’t love music? Join the global karaoke party and outwit your friends at Sing A Song! This game is the world’s #1 addictive social music game on Google Play!Are you a music whiz? Show your voice, sing your favorite hits and let your friends guess. Or take the challenge and guess the names of the song clips uploaded by others. Challenge various music genres such as pop, country, rock and more to come!Game Features:- Compete with players all over the world in MATCH ONLINE mode - Challenge 60+ well designed levels in GUESS LOCAL mode- Climb the charts and become weekly SUPER STAR
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