殭屍肆虐,你需要消滅殭屍、收集資源、培養自己的團隊,在末世中求生並探尋真相。在不久的未來,可怕的病毒肆虐全球,人類文明還未做好準備就被突如其來的災難毀滅。僵屍已經佔領了世界,倖存者們漸漸發現這好像是一場有預謀的災難••••••現在是時候帶領人類奪回家園了,你將在末日後的世界中與殭屍戰鬥,收集飛機燃料,飛往病毒散播的中心。一路上你需要組建你的隊伍,尋找避難所,收集不同的資源,不斷提升你的戰鬥力,最終擊敗幕後黑手,幫助人類重建家園!遊戲特色:- 4張不同風格的超大地圖和各種不同角色讓你百玩不厭- 炫目的視覺特效和身臨其境的音效- 逼真的手繪角色和怪物---How long can you survive in a post-apocalypse world? Survive – apocalypse survival makes you the key player in the struggle for survival!After a global viral pandemic wipes out over 90% of the world's population, the human society might not have long to survive. As the lone survivor, you must try to find a cure, stop the virus, and save humanity. You need to decide how you spend your time and what action is most crucial for you now in order to survive: recruiting crew members, finding a shelter, collecting food & water, fighting the undead zombies in harsh battles!Game Features:- Deceptively simple gameplay, with more depth than meets the eye- Crisp graphics and immersive CD quality audio- 4 regions and hundreds of different characters to recruit
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