"This is a puzzle game that I will be playing for a long time to come." ~ AppAdvice (*****)"Open Bar [...] is a new puzzle game which has a lot to offer and helps you relax instead of annoying you." ~ AppsRumors (*****)"You better check out how good it looks in motion." ~ Pocket Gamer"Open Bar is a game that, beyond a set of fantastically designed puzzles, looks awesome." ~ AntyApps"This is one of the best-looking puzzles that I played in a very long time." ~ Just Good Bites-------------------------------探索源源不绝让人痴迷的一个个谜题,赢得奖励并解锁新的鸡尾酒。 * 华丽的动画设计 * 动人的音效及震撼的特效 * 酒吧为你开启!等你来尽情过级 * 如遇难题,随时给你提示每一个级(口味)需要三个步骤才能完成。容易吧?别着急,你有1分钟到60分钟助你轻松完成挑战。
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